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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day 34

Having a Birthday Party always kinda requires a recovery afterwards.  Even if it's only ever dishes or cleaning the house it's always something to consider.  Luckily this day I ended up having most of my classes canceled and I was able to spend the majority of the day at home, except for going to work.

I usually don't eat a lot when I'm going to go to work because there is usually more for me to snack on, and other than breakfast which was raisin bran with milk I waited til I got to work.  In this case I had a lovely bowl of jumbalia soup

 it looked very much like this.  Jumbalaya is made with rice and sausage and I like it immensely, although it is a bit too spicy, something I wish I could easily remove, but I can't.  I also had two pieces of our yummy bread with my soup and a piece of chicken with ranch.  All in all a pretty good day.

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