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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Day 48

So today was fun.  I had my lovely bowl of cereal (I know, amazing we still have milk huh?  I yelled at the family about it, so I think they've cut down a bit, I hope I'm not a control freak :S  ) after that I met up with two favorite sisters (Cox females if you don't know) and hung out with them for lunch while doing our math homework. I had a nice soft taco that included hamburger, lettuce, cheese and olives.  They only let me choose three toppings, but I'm not a big tomato eater, so it was fine. I also had a chocolate milk, which was super yummy.

My class (creative writing of course) distributed a piece of strawberry wafer cookie, which wasn't very good but was well devoured along with two chips ahoy cookies which were even more well devoured.

I got home and snuck (I know it's not a word, but you all know what it means) three pieces of fudge which were ama-za-zing.

Off to work where I devoured a flat iron steak with a salad and some green beans a long with two crossants.  All in all a very big eating day for me. :P

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